The most conservative Supreme Court Justice of our generation, Antonin Scalia has died peacefully in his sleep after an enjoyable day hunting near his Texas ranch.
President Obama did not wait a day before promising he will rush to name a replacement, stating “I plan to fulfill my constitutional responsibility to nomination a successor in due time.” He then insisted on quick Senate confirmation.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may or may not delay any Senate confirmation hearings until the next President (and not Obama) makes a selection, saying “Voters must be given a say in the matter, and that means picking a president who will nominate the replacement.”
Lesbian activist Rachel Maddow of MSNBC said she wants a pro-homose xual appointed immediately, and she has already named a bad one: Jeh Johnson.
Jeh Johnson is a former Pentagon lawyer who deliberately homose xualized the military, and fundamentally misunderstands the First Amendment and Religious Freedom, as proven by this signed memo.
In this Signed Memo JEH JOHNSON FORCED MILITARY CHAPLAINS TO OPEN THEIR CHAPELS TO HOMOSE XUAL “WEDDING” CEREMONIES. He did it without Congressional approval, legislating from the Pentagon, and you think he won’t legislate from the Bench? Wrong answer.
This leftist radical could be a non-starter IF you call both your Senators at 202-225-3121.
Let’s petition Congress to protect Pastors’ right to preach about politics in the pulpit: