I recently interviewed long-time Christian activist friend, Stacy Harp, who has attended as undercover spy several pro-homose xual political conferences in recent years.
Without fail these groups have several “child education” (i.e. recruiting) booths that either hint toward or openly advocate for adult gay sex with children. The illegal pedophilia movement dovetails with or stands on the fringes of the homose xual movement, often without rebuke from their own.
Stacy Harp explains the criminal elements of this movement.
“I was asked to go undercover at a GLSEN conference, the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network. So my husband and I went to this conference, we went undercover, and we began to see the inner guts of the homose xual movement.
“And it totally changed the direction of what I do. I eventually started a pod-cast, and started interviewing people, and that was like ten years ago. And I prayed about what I should do…”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: I applaud the courage of Stacy Harp for exposing this corruption. If anyone wonders whether there is a correlation, just ask yourself, why is there a GLSEN conference, at all? Why do they target K-12 children, at all? And isn’t that recruiting?]
Let’s petition Congress to STOP the co-ed bathroom laws in public schools:
HOT Petition, Stop ENDA “bathroom bill” to Punish Christian Employers. Select, sign, we will fax all 535 members of House and Senate (saving you time!) or pick free option here.