1. Trump scandal and Second Hillary debate: Janet Porter comments
2. Is Trump losing women and evangelicals?
3. Is this election only about the Supreme Court?
(c) 2016, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 10/16 on NRB TV, AndroidTV, Amazon FireTV, Roku, GoogleTV, Smart TV, iTunes and www.PrayInJesusName.org
I was quite shocked today when I listened to this interview. It was not what Janet said, but what you said. I am considering deleting your messages and subscription. You put yourself in the light of a hypocrite. I believe in what is taught in the Bible and defending that in full. You, sir have said in this interview that you are undecided about voting for Trump! How can you say that when he is the only one that has stated he will defend our rights, including the right to practice our religion! You and I have both seen how our so called government representatives have attacked our beliefs, and you have experienced it! How can you not endorse the only man in decades that has openly said he will protect us in that area? YOU HAVE TO ENDORSE HIM IF YOU ARE WHO YOU SAY YOU ARE! If for no other reason other than that one!
Forget what he said… You and I, and everyone living and breathing on this planet have said things in our life that were not meant for everyone to hear. That is not the point anyway. It is being made up to be a spear by the left in hopes they can run it through Trump and kill his efforts because they are scared! They will be openly exposed for their corrupt actions if he is in office. They all will go down in flames along with many Republicans! We can only survive if we have a man that will be willing to take the shots that Mr. Trump is willing to take to change things. I don’t mean modify what we already have, I mean tear them down to rubble and build new ideas. Everything that the government has conceived and rammed down our throats has been a failure! I dare you to name one program that has been a cost effective success, or even a success at all? There is not one in over 200 years! What more evidence do you need? Isn’t it time we do something about that? For once in our lives, let’s stop quibbling about unimportant trivial matters and look at the big picture! We have a proven successful man running against a proven liar and criminal! I can’t believe anyone in this country could give support to Hillary. It is time you stood up and said the right thing also! I am!
You sir are holding Trump’s comments over him doing exactly what Jesus Christ told us not to do! There is only ONE choice this election, and you must either get on board or you become a big part of the problem, not Trump!!!
Absolutely Agree