1. Peace through Strength: Middle East and Iran: Frank Gaffney 2 of 2
2. How Turkey and Syria have fallen to radical Islam.
3. Is Jordan next to fall?
(c) 2018, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs on NRB TV, Direct TV Ch.378, Roku, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, GoogleTV, Smart TV, iTunes and www.PrayInJesusName.org
2. Exclusive interview with Lawyer Michael Farris President of ADF
3. Dr. Chaps’ analysis of 7-2 SCOTUS decision
(c) 2018, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs on NRB TV, Direct TV Ch.378, Roku, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, GoogleTV, Smart TV, iTunes and www.PrayInJesusName.org