In a move sure to worry many that the venerable two-century-old West Point is going woke, Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland announced Monday a change in the institution’s mission statement. The phrase ‘duty, honor, country’ is out – removed – exchanged for the more amorphous ‘Army values.’
Casual readers who know nothing about Col. Ben Jonsson… may recall a series of stories last year about Jonsson’s radical views on race and scathing internal assessments of his leadership at MacDill Air Force Base and the U.S. Air Force Academy. At the time, he was one of hundreds of military officers whose promotions were blocked by Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., in a standoff with the Biden administration over the Pentagon’s abortion policy.
At NRB, we interviewed Daniel Garcia, a soldier for this country and for the kingdom of Christ. He is walking the globe for God; learn more on PIJN News.
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