Segment 1: No Jesus in DNC Invocation, But Abortion is Love
Dr. Chaps examines the recent Democratic National Committee (DNC) invocation, which notably excluded the name of Jesus, while promoting the idea that abortion is an act of love. This segment explores the political and spiritual implications of this invocation and its reflection on current societal values and the growing divide over issues of faith and the sanctity of life.
Segment 2: Micah Van Huss and Secret Societies
Dr. Chaps interviews Micah Van Huss about his revealing book on secret societies and his work with Micah delves into the history and influence of secret societies, uncovering how these hidden networks have impacted political power and societal structures throughout time. Gain insight into the mysteries behind these organizations and their modern-day relevance.
Segment 3: Dirk Smith from
In this segment, Dr. Chaps speaks with Dirk Smith of Eastern European Mission ( about their mission to distribute Bibles and Christian literature across Eastern Europe. Dirk shares moving testimonies of individuals whose lives have been transformed by gaining access to the Word of God, sometimes for the first time in their lives.
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