On September 5th, 2016 at age 92, legendary conservative activist Phyllis Schalfly passed away. Schlafly was a Goldwater-Reagan conservative, award-winning author of the book that created the conservative movement, “A Choice, Not an Echo,” founder of Eagle Forum. Schalfly stood for pro-life, traditional marriage, was Christian to her core, and her voice will be sorely …
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Duck Commander! Phil Robertson interview with Dr. Chaps
I had the high privilege of interviewing THE Duck Commander Phil Robertson, patriarch of the family on Duck Dynasty on the A&E television cable network. If you remember a couple years ago he was told by his TV producers to stop praying “in Jesus’ name” at the dinner table in his own home, and references …
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Obama’s next Supreme Court is Hindu?
President Obama has reportedly narrowed to 3 choices his list of Supreme Court nominees: Sri Srinivasan, Merrick Garland and Paul Watford, all liberal judges that are unlike Antonin Scalia. Srinivasan is a pro-homose xual judge (see proof far below) of whom the Washington Post reports: “Sri Srinivasan would be the first Hindu justice ever to …
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One person will decide the next President. Only one.
One person, Marco Rubio, will decide who wins the Presidency. Here’s why: The final results of the GOP Presidential primary in South Carolina are in, and all 50 delegates have been awarded to Donald Trump. The GOP primary allowed Democrat cross-over voters in the “all or nothing” primary, while most future states proportionally distribute their …
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Learn the Bible in 12 hours: Basic Bible Guide
What if you could learn the ENTIRE Bible in 12 one-hour sessions? I recently had the privilege of interviewing Daniel Kennedy, who wrote a “Basic Bible Guide” that guides you (without interpretation) to learn what the Bible says, giving an overview summary that lets the Bible interpret itself. One hour per week, for 12 weeks, …
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Undercover spy exposes LGBT pedophile movement
I recently interviewed long-time Christian activist friend, Stacy Harp, who has attended as undercover spy several pro-homose xual political conferences in recent years. Without fail these groups have several “child education” (i.e. recruiting) booths that either hint toward or openly advocate for adult gay sex with children. The illegal pedophilia movement dovetails with or stands …
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Pro-Life Radical: Show images, Name Names, Save Lives
I recently had the opportunity to interview radical and sometimes controversial pro-life evangelist Rusty Thomas, who is unafraid to show images and name names. “In our age, there are certain evils that are savaging our nation, and abortion is the highest on the list,” said Rusty. “I’m a gospel guy. I’m a Jesus guy. I’m …
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Kids seized by Big Gov’t, violating Parental rights for profit?
I had the privilege of interviewing family law attorney Connie Reguli, who leads a small but growing group of lawyers defending parental rights against big government intrusions. Did you know sometimes Child “Protective” Services in many states will profit by taking children out of their parents’ home? The more kids they seize, the more federal …
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GUEST COLUMN: Trump is not Jesus the Messiah
Mayor Jailed after Atheists complain about “Jesus” sign
I had the privilege of interviewing the heroic Christian Mayor of Hawkins, Texas. Mayor Will Rogers defended the town’s right to say “Jesus Welcomes You” on a large sign that sits on private church property, and endured a lawsuit by atheist complainers. Then when city council members balked, they asked the Sheriff to arrest the …
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