1. The Catholic Church is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to protect the absolute secrecy of the Confessional booth. 2. We interview Father Frank Pavone, founder of Priests for Life and one of the most influential leaders of the pro-life movement. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 10/14 on NRB Network, TheWalkTV, Roku, …
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Phyllis Schlafly exclusive! Women in Combat; Who killed the American family? – 10-31-14
1. The Obama Administration is mandating women in combat by 2016. 2. Also, who killed the American family? 3. We interview Phyllis Schlafly, the legendary conservative activist who fought the ERA and re-defined what it means to be a conservative woman. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 10/14 on NRB Network, TheWalkTV, Roku, …
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Phyllis Schlafly: Why Christians Must Vote! Goldwater, Reagan, and the E.R.A. – 11-04-14
1. Part 2 of our newsmaking interview with Phyllis Schlafly about why Christians must vote. 2. Phyllis explains the history of the conservative movement, from Barry Goldwater to Ronald Reagan and her part in defeating the E.R.A. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 10/14 on NRB Network, TheWalkTV, Roku, GoogleTV, ITunes, IPointTV, Glorystar …
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Pastor: I’d rather Go To Jail than obey Lesbian Mayor – 10-29-14
1. Pastor Dave Welch of the Houston Area Pastors Council says he would rather go to jail than obey the Lesbian Mayor of Houston’s subpoena to turn over his sermons or speeches to the government. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 10/14 on NRB Network, TheWalkTV, Roku, GoogleTV, ITunes, IPointTV, Glorystar Satellite…
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Lesbian Mayor Subpoenas Pastors’ Sermons – 10-28-14
1. The Lesbian Mayor of Houston is subpoenaing Christian Pastors to turn over their sermons to the government. 2. Two Christian ministers in Idaho are being forced to preside at homosexual weddings. 3. A magistrate in North Carolina resigns rather than endorse sin. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 10/14 on NRB Network, …
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Exclusive! David Garibaldi: action painter of Jesus Christ 2014 #WCS14 – 8-14-14
1. The debate over tax-payer financing of the National Endowment for the Arts is not over. 2. We have an exclusive interview with David Garibaldi, an inspiring painter whose faith in Jesus Christ and fast-moving on-stage performance brings crowds to their feet everywhere. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 8/14 on NRB Network, …
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Exclusive! Senator Randy Baumgardner on Gun Rights in Colorado 2014 #WCS14 – 8-13-14
1. A new study shows that the new Colorado gun laws are ineffective and wasting tax-payer dollars. 2. Are Democrats promoting safety or actually harming public safety? 3. We interview State Senator Randy Baumgardner on the Second Amendment. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 8/14 on NRB Network, TheWalkTV, Roku, GoogleTV, ITunes, IPointTV, …
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Exclusive! Walid Shoebat on ISIS slaughtering Christians in Mosul – 2014 #WCS14 – 8-12-14
1. The ISIS rebels in Northern Iraq are beheading Christian men and Muslim terrorists in Africa are raping Christian women. 2. We have an exclusive interview with Walid Shoebat, a Palestinian American and former terrorist who converted from Islam to faith in Jesus Christ. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 8/14 on NRB …
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Exclusive! Ralph Reed, Anita Stapleton: Stop Common Core Education – 2014 #WCS14 – 8-11-14
1. A growing number of states are dropping “Common Core” education standards. 2. Exclusive interview with Anita Stapleton, founder of Stop Common Core Colorado. 3. Exclusive interview with Ralph Reed on mobilizing church voters. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 8/14 on NRB Network, TheWalkTV, Roku, GoogleTV, ITunes, IPointTV, Glorystar Satellite…
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Exclusive! K.T. McFarland on Reagan vs. Obama #WCS14 – 8-7-14
1. Three airliners have crashed in the past two weeks. Are terrorists targeting innocent civilians? 2. Exclusive interview with Congressman Doug Lamborn about defending Israel. 3. Exclusive interview with K.T. McFarland, an expert in national security, international affairs, fox news commentator who worked for Presidents Nixon and Reagan. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. …
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