HOT PETITION! Ask Congress to impeach Justice Elena Kagan if she refuses to recuse herself from hearing the Obamacare case NFIB v. Sebelius. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress (saving you time!) We’ve already sent 123,000 fax petitions. Can you help us reach 150,000? Liberals push …
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Religious Freedom
Battle Brewing Over Conscience Protections for Military Chaplains
President Obama has expressed his opposition to a Republican-authored amendment in the House defense authorization bill that would protect the conscience rights of chaplains who do not want to perform “marriage” ceremonies for homosexual military personnel. Written in part by U.S Representative Todd Akin (R-Mo.), Section 536 of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act stipulates …
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Keeping an eye on senators re: chaplains' rights
Gordon Klingenschmitt is a former Navy chaplain who now runs The Pray In Jesus Name Project. He is pleased that the House Armed Services Committee has approved two amendments to the Defense Authorization Bill — one by Missouri Republican Todd Akin, and the other by Mississippi Republican Steven Palazzo. “[Those bills] would protect military chaplains’ rights …
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Senate Vote Today? Stop Obama's Two Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homose xual Judges
New Petition! Demand the U.S. Senate OPPOSE and FILIBUSTER two bad judges nominated by President Obama, for their anti-Christian, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual rulings. Select, sign and we will fax all 100 Senators instantly (saving you time!) Senate Vote Today? Stop Obama’s Two Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homose xual Judges The full Senate could vote today on two bad judges, …
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Pelosi persecutes Chaplains, then lies, calling them "a fraud…manufactured crisis."
Urgent Petition! Defend Military Chaplains. Demand Congress pass H.R. 3828 to protect chaplains religious freedom to oppose immorality, & troops’ conscience. Select here, sign petition, we will fax all 535 Congressmen (saving you time!) Pelosi persecutes Chaplains, then lies, calling them “a fraud…manufactured crisis.” I personally traveled to Washington DC this week to meet my …
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Pelosi Calls Chaplain 'Conscience Clause' a 'Fraud'
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi blasted a Republican proposal that would protect military chaplains from performing same-sex marriages, saying the provision in unnecessary. “Nobody is ordering them to do that,” Pelosi told reporters Thursday. “I’ve never seen any suggestion that we’re ordering chaplains to perform same-sex [marriages]. Where is that? I think that they can …
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Chaplain Video goes Viral among Homosexuals. Take action, free!
HOT PETITION! Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 435 Congressmen & 100 Senators. We delivered 95,000 fax petitions. Can you help reach 100,000? Chaplain Video goes Viral in Homosexual Community. Take action, free! Wow, am I getting hate-mail from the homosexual …
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Nancy Pelosi Persecutes Chaplains, Then Lies, Calling Them 'A Fraud…A Manufactured Crisis'
WASHINGTON, May 18, 2012 — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) apparently deceived reporters today when opposing two religious freedom amendments that would protect military chaplains’ right to free speech and to refuse to facilitate homosexual weddings. Pelosi reportedly called the whole idea a “fraud” and said, “There’s nothing that says that chaplains act against …
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Victory! House Armed Services Committee protects Chaplains and Chapels
Urgent Petition! Defend Military Chaplains. Demand Congress pass H.R. 3828 to protect chaplains religious freedom to oppose immorality, & troops’ conscience. Select here, sign petition, we will fax all 535 Congressmen (saving you time!) Victory! House Armed Services Cmte protects Chaplains and Chapels The House Armed Services Committee added (but the Senate has not yet …
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Is Obama First 'Gay' President (Newsweek)? Senate to vote on DOMA.
HOT PETITION! Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 435 Congressmen & 100 Senators. We delivered 90,000 fax petitions. Can you help reach 100,000? Obama: The First ‘Gay’ President (Newsweek cover). Senate to vote on DOMA. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) …
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