3 Ways to Defend Your Religious Freedoms.

Petition #1:
Defend Military Chaplain's right to pray in Jesus' Name.

Petition #2:
Defend all Troops' right to religious expression.

Petition #3:
Defend Pastors right to preach about political issues freely.
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Analysis: Supremes 9-0 for Christian postal worker

Christian College cancels Promise Keepers over Marriage

New Jersey Churches sue for Religious Discrimination
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US Bishops Say Religious Freedom Is Under Attack Around The World
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Dr. Chaps is the Host of Pray in Jesus Name. A weekly broadcast dedicated to providing you alternative Christian news that the mainstream media won’t cover. Watch Pray in Jesus Name on Demand on the device of your choice!
Watch this clip from a recent show about religious freedom
In How To Liberate The World In 30 Days, Gordon Klingenschmitt equips you with 30 powerful political tools in a 30-day devotional. His 15 inspiring, true stories of political victory prove the effectiveness of these methods. You don't even need to get elected to take back your government! By becoming the media, gathering petitions, building an army, and prayerfully fighting the right enemy, you can reverse bad laws and help establish the kingdom of God right now.
"This book needs to be in the hands of every millennial and Bible-believing pastor in America." --Dr. Alan Keyes