Let Us Pray. Almighty God, we are outraged that the cross which has been displayed outside a chapel on an isolated military base in Afghanistan has been removed, due to an unconstitutional Army regulation which claims no permanent display of religious symbols can be affixed to a chapel, prompting outrage from American service members who …
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Ex-Chaplain Sues for Reinstatement or Retirement
A former Navy chaplain kicked out of the service for wearing his uniform in a protest at the White House has sued to get his conviction overturned, get back pay, and either reinstatement or full retirement. Former Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt’s court-martial and dismissal was the culmination of a series of clashes with the Navy over …
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Bloomberg facing legal challenge to censorship of faith
There’s been criticism of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s decision to exclude clergy from this weekend’s 10th anniversary events marking the day the Islamic terrorists struck New York~ Washington and in Pennsylvania in 2001~ killing almost 3~000. It’s come from the religious right and left both. Some 62~000 Americans signed petitions assembled by the Family …
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The Truth for Our Time feat. Chaps
The Truth for Our Time feat. Chaps April 2011 Truth For Our Time — Youtube FAX Petition to STOP homosexual military, keep Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell…
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Military Chaplains Under Attack
Military Chaplains Under Attack June 13, 2011 VCY America LISTEN TO THE MP3 HERE Gordon Klingenschmitt is a former U.S. Navy Chaplain who made national headlines when he was vindicated by Congress after he took a stand for the rights of military chaplains to pray publicly in the name of Jesus. He was told repeatedly not to do this …
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Gay activist admits gays really do want to recruit children
Gay activist admits gays really do want to recruit children May 27, 2011 Jack Minor — the Greeley Gazette A “gay” activist has confirmed what supporters of traditional marriage have said for years, admitting that the gay movement does in fact want to recruit and indoctrinate children into the “gay” lifestyle. Daniel Villarreal, writing for …
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Growing Intolerance for Christianity in U.S
Growing Intolerance for Christianity in U.S May 27, 2011 Delores Liesner — Christian Post “In a world of political correctness devoid of the rule of law, tolerance has come to mean total rejection of Christianity and moral standards. Modern tolerance redefines words like ‘marriage,’ ‘discrimination,’ ‘equality,’ ‘morality,’ and even ‘absolutes.’ The word ‘tolerance’ as it …
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“I don’t like it and I’m not going to do it!”
“I don’t like it and I’m not going to do it!” May 11, 2011 Jack Minor — Greeley Gazette Recent actions by both the federal and state governments have indicated they will simply ignore their responsibilities by refusing to defend or enforce laws they do not like. In 1996 Congress passed the Defense of Marriage …
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AF Academy creates chapel for false religions
AF Academy creates chapel for false religions May 11, 2011 Chad Groening – OneNewsNow A former Navy chaplain who was forced out of service for praying in Jesus’ name while in uniform is outraged that the military is going out of its way to accommodate the spiritual needs of pagans and atheists, who complain there …
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Small-scale victory in a larger battle
Small-scale victory in a larger battle May 13, 2011 Chad Groening – OneNewsNow A former Navy chaplain is delighted that the Office of Navy Chaplains has backed off from its decision to allow military chapels to be used for same-sex “marriage” ceremonies in states where such unions are legal. As reported earlier, Chief of Naval …
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