Is Elena Kagan a Lesbian? Media Ignores Four Harvard Students Outting Supreme Court Nominee, CBS News Muzzled by White House May 10, 2010 Christian NewsWire WASHINGTON, May 10 /Christian Newswire/ — As far back as 2006 and 2007, four different Harvard Law Students confirmed that Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was a Lesbian. Why …
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Christian News and Conservative News Articles
Why Do So Many People Think Elena Kagan Is Gay?
Why Do So Many People Think Elena Kagan Is Gay? May 11, 2010 Stephanie Mencimer — Mother Jones It’s her hair, right? Or perhaps her stout physique? It’s hard to pin it down exactly, but there is something about Obama’s latest Supreme Court pick that has made the “alleged lesbian” label stick, despite unambiguous …
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Klingenschmitt: Americans Have a Right to Know if Kagan is a "Moral Reprobate"
Klingenschmitt: Americans Have a Right to Know if Kagan is a "Moral Reprobate" May 11~ 2010 Right Wing Watch Yesterday we noted that~ like several other right-wing activists~ Gordon "Chaps" Klingenschmitt was demanding to know if Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is gay. Last night Alan Colmes had Klingenschmitt on his program to discuss the issue …
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PETITION to oppose ELENA KAGAN~ SUPREME COURT NOMINEE whom CBS News reported to be a lesbian. Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX your petition automatically to ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS right away (saving you hours of labor!) We’ve sent over 85~000 faxes. Can you help us reach 100~000? Breaking: Elena Kagan demanded sex-change operation benefit …
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Can’t read this? It’s also here: Seven Daily "National News Prayer Alerts" for the Week of 9-15 May 2010: FAX PETITION: Join 35 Congressmen demanding to Re-Invite Franklin Graham Your faxes are making a difference! 35 Congressmen just responded to our fax campaign by signing a letter to the Pentagon~ demanding Franklin Graham …
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State police chaplains can invoke Jesus
State police chaplains can invoke Jesus April 28~ 2010 Diane Walker — NBC12 RICHMOND~ VA (WWBT) – Wednesday state police superintendent Stephen Flaherty reinstated a policy allowing chaplains to use the name Jesus during services. At the urging of then-Governor Tim Kaine~ Flaherty rescinded the policy two years ago after a fourth U.S. Circuit …
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Virginia State Police Change Prayer Policy
Virginia State Police Change Prayer Policy Chaplains can once again invoke Jesus at public events. April 29, 2010 Dena Potter — Associated Press RICHMOND – RICHMOND, Va. (AP) – Virginia State Police chaplains can once again invoke Jesus, Allah and other deities during official prayers. At the request of Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell, …
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Police chaplains wary of Va. program
Police chaplains wary of Va. program May 5, 2010 Julia Duin — Washington Times One week after Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell restored the right of state police chaplains to pray in Jesus’ name at public functions, only one of the six chaplains who resigned in protest two years ago has agreed to return. “I was …
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Virginia governor gets flak for Jesus
Virginia governor gets flak for Jesus May 2, 2010 Staff — the Underground Two years ago, former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine forced State Police Chaplains to deny Christ or resign from their jobs. As a result six chaplains resigned, and two others– Rex Carter and Mike Honaker, decided to turn in their badges. Now current …
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The May Day Call for 'A Nation in Distress'
The May Day Call for ‘A Nation in Distress’ May 1~ 2010 Today is the “May Day Cry to God for a Nation in Distress~” masterminded by Janet Porter. The committee responsible for this event is a who’s who of the religious right and includes Peter LaBarbera~ Harry Jackson~ Gordon James Klingenschmitt~ Wendy …
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