URGENT PETITION! Add F.D.R.’s D-Day Prayer to the W.W.II Memorial in DC by passing H.R. 2070, and Pass S.Res.18 allowing optional PRAYER AT PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS, and pass H.R. 2848 the VETERANS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ACT. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress. Guess who’s blocking the …
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al franken
Federal Judge: Children must get access to explicit web-sites in school
HOT PETITION! Stop Sen. Al Franken from homosexualizing public school classrooms. Stop mandatory pro-homosexual lectures to kids. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress (saving you time!) to oppose and filibuster S.555 + H.R. 998 the “Homosexual Classrooms Act” aka Student Non-Discrimination. Federal Judge: Children must get …
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HOT PETITION! Stop Sen. Al Franken from homosexualizing public school classrooms. Stop mandatory pro-homosexual lectures to kids. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress (saving you time!) to oppose and filibuster S.555 + H.R. 998 the “Homosexual Classrooms Act” aka Student Non-Discrimination. California: Boys free to use Girls locker …
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