HOT PETITION! Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 435 Congressmen & 100 Senators. We delivered 95,000 fax petitions. Can you help reach 100,000? Chaplain Video goes Viral in Homosexual Community. Take action, free! Wow, am I getting hate-mail from the homosexual …
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barack obama
Obama's lawyer says Court should homosexualize 'marriage' in all 50 states
HOT PETITION! Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 435 Congressmen & 100 Senators. We delivered 87,000 fax petitions. Can you help reach 100,000? Obama’s lawyer says Court should homosexualize ‘marriage’ in all 50 states The Obama Administration argued last week that …
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What if Supreme Court FAILS to overturn Obamacare?
URGENT PETITION to REPEAL OBAMACARE, STOP ABORTION-FUNDING, END GOV’T TAKEOVER OF HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress instantly (saving you much time!) We have already delivered 1.4 million fax petitions. Can you help us reach 1.5 million? What if Supreme Court FAILS to …
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Chaplains risking 'treason'
A former Navy chaplain who was forced out of the service for praying publicly in Jesus’ name while in uniform says the Obama administration is clearly trying to censor military chaplains who dare to speak out against the pro-abortion and pro-homosexual agenda. The Obama White House opened a can of worms last week when it …
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SIGN PRO-LIFE PETITION. Help Congress defund ALL child-killing abortions, period. Select, sign, we will fax all 535 Congressmen and Senators(saving you much time!) We’ve already delivered 77,000 fax petitions, can you help us reach 100,000? 2012: The Year We Stop Tax-Funded Abortions? Planned Parenthood Breaks Bank I pledge to work hard in 2012 to …
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HOT PETITION! Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 535 Congressmen / Senators! We’ve delivered 75,000 fax petitions. Can you help reach 100,000? Lawsuit! Military sued for Homosexual “Marriage.” Senate hearings Thursday. Eight homosexual couples are suing the U.S. Military to accept their illegal “marriages,” and …
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HOT PETITION! Ask Congress to impeach Justice Elena Kagan if she refuses to recuse herself from hearing the Obamacare case NFIB v. Sebelius. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress (saving you time!) We’ve already sent 86,000 fax petitions. Can you help us reach 100,000? Supremes Flip We The People …
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Stop Obama's Worst Judge Yet – Judge Nourse
NEW PETITION to Stop Obama’s next liberal Judge VICTORIA NOURSE, the pro-Abortion, anti-Marriage Liberal seeking promotion to 7th Circuit. Please select, sign, and WE WILL AUTO-FAX your petition to ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS (saving you hours!) Senate Judiciary considers Pro-Abortion, Anti-Marriage Judge Today. Take action! The Senate Judiciary Committee (SJC) will meet today Thursday to consider President Obama’s …
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