URGENT PETITION! Pass S.Res.18 allowing optional PRAYER AT PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS, and add F.D.R.’s D-Day Prayer to the W.W.II Memorial in DC, by passing H.R. 2070, and H.R. 2848 the VETERANS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ACT. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress. Atheists try to ban Student-led prayer …
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chaplain klingenschmitt
Retired Navy Chaplain: 'I Have No Respect for Mitt Romney'
One of the disadvantages of being the front-runner in a political race is that you become an easy target. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has found himself in such a position as his GOP opponents and various special interest groups have turned up the heat ahead of the South Carolina primary, including a retired U.S. …
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Klingenschmitt: 'Ron Paul Does Not Have Any Republican Support'
For the last several years, Ron Paul has regularly won the straw polls at conservative events like CPAC and the Values Voter Summit but Religious Right organizers and activists have always been quick to dismiss these wins as flukes and assert that Paul does not actually represent the views of the movement. Now that Paul’s …
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Ron Paul Is a Libertarian Double Agent for the Democratic Party
Highly-conservative former U.S. Navy chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt has done the leg work. He’s connected the dots. He’s put two and two together. He’s milked the monkey for its simian wisdom. And he’s finally willing to make public his shocking discovery: The Ron Paul campaign is little more than an insidious conspiracy between the libertarians and Democrats — who, …
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Chaps on the Stacy Harp Show
Chaps talks to Stacy Harp (pt. 1) https://prayinjesusname.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Chaps-StacyHarp-01.mp3 Chaps talks to Stacy Harp (pt. 2) https://prayinjesusname.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Chaps-StacyHarp-02.mp3 Chaps talks to Stacy Harp (pt. 3) https://prayinjesusname.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Chaps-StacyHarp-03.mp3 Chaps talks to Stacy Harp (pt. 4) https://prayinjesusname.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Chaps-StacyHarp-04.mp3 Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt speaks with Stacy Harp about religious freedom and Chaplains Rights.…
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Klingenschmitt taking Navy to court
Gordon James Klingenschmitt, who now heads up the “Pray In Jesus Name Project,” was called on the carpet several years ago for praying in the name of his Savior while in uniform in front of the White House (see earlier story). “I was vindicated by Congress. They reversed the bad policy for which I was punished, …
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Ex-Chaplain Sues for Reinstatement or Retirement
A former Navy chaplain kicked out of the service for wearing his uniform in a protest at the White House has sued to get his conviction overturned, get back pay, and either reinstatement or full retirement. Former Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt’s court-martial and dismissal was the culmination of a series of clashes with the Navy over …
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We’ve sent nearly 700, 000 faxes to the Senate…can you help reach 1 Million? URGENT PETITION! (Even if you’ve signed before, you can sign again & we’ll re-fax.) Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAXyour petition automatically to ALL 99 U.S. SENATORS right away (saving you hours of labor!) Please forward widely. 12 Democrats Promote Anti-Jesus …
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