Two prominent right-wing pundits faced off on “The David Pakman Show,” expressing different, if similarly antagonistic, stances on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Pakman featured the Westboro Baptist Church‘s Jonathan Phelps and former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, who has previously claimed that LGBT people could be “cured” via exorcism, in the Nov. …
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david pakman
Former Chaplain Claims He Can Exorcise Wayne Besen Of His Gayness
Yesterday, David Pakman talked to both former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt and Truth Wins Out Executive Director Wayne Besen with regards to the gay exorcisms and reparative gay therapy. The former Chaplain got very strange during the discussion telling Besen that he could “exorcise the gay” right out of him- under certain conditions. And …
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Former Navy Chaplain Blames Homosexuality On Marketing
David Pakman was kind enough to let us know about an interview that he did with former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt. The former chaplain insists that people are born straight, but that marketing somehow makes someone gay. According to Pakman, he “countered that if marketing accounts for homosexuality in humans, how does it happen in …
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Former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt Says Marketing Makes You Gay
Former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt has said everyone is born straight and marketing turns some people gay. Klingenschmitt made national headlines when he challenged the military’s rule on inclusive prayers during events which include a multi-faith audience such as ship commissionings and change-of-command ceremonies. A born-again Christian, Klingenschmitt demanded the right to pray “in the …
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Gordon Klingenschmitt, Former Navy Chaplain, Slams Obama's Gay Marriage Stance
Yet another right-wing pundit has come forward with puzzling declarations in an effort to denounce President Obama’s support of same-sex marriage support of same-sex marriage last week. Former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt took to “The David Pakman Show” in an interview set to air May 21, slamming Obama for being “on the wrong side of …
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January 19: Chaps back on the David Pakman Show
Chaplain Klingenschmitt was again featured on David Pakman’s syndicated talk-radio program to discuss his recent GOP presidential straw poll. This episode also returns to the topic of homosexual exorcisms, Chaps’ background, and certain dangers of public education.…
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