New Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here. Sen. Rand Paul’s “Life Begins at Conception Act.” Can it stop abortion? *|FNAME|* …
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gordon james klingenschmitt
Subject: Why is Dr. Chaps going to India? To serve orphans and Christians.
Subject: Why is Dr. Chaps going to India? To serve orphans and Christians. Friends, I apologize for my delay in sending recent email alerts. I need your help, here. I live in Colorado Springs near where the wild-fires happened, and yes, it’s terrible that 346 families lost their homes, and one elder couple died. Mary …
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Former Chaplain Claims He Can Exorcise Wayne Besen Of His Gayness
Yesterday, David Pakman talked to both former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt and Truth Wins Out Executive Director Wayne Besen with regards to the gay exorcisms and reparative gay therapy. The former Chaplain got very strange during the discussion telling Besen that he could “exorcise the gay” right out of him- under certain conditions. And …
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First Lesbian 'Wedding' desecrates Military Chapel. Obama violates state law.
Urgent Petition! Defend Military Chaplains. Demand Congress keep 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310 to protect chaplains free speech and chapels from desecration. Select here, sign petition, we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) First Lesbian ‘Wedding’ desecrates Military Chapel. Obama violates state law. President Obama trampled on Louisiana state law, and …
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Senator Franken: S.555 gives homosexuals "the same civil rights as racial minorities"
HOT PETITION! Stop Sen. Al Franken from homosexualizing public school classrooms. Stop mandatory pro-homosexual lectures to kids. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress (saving you time!) to oppose and filibuster S.555 + H.R. 998 the “homosexual Classrooms Act” aka Student Non-Discrimination. Senator Franken: S.555 gives homosexuals …
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Senate Vote Today? Stop Obama's Two Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homose xual Judges
New Petition! Demand the U.S. Senate OPPOSE and FILIBUSTER two bad judges nominated by President Obama, for their anti-Christian, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual rulings. Select, sign and we will fax all 100 Senators instantly (saving you time!) Senate Vote Today? Stop Obama’s Two Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homose xual Judges The full Senate could vote today on two bad judges, …
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Pelosi Calls Chaplain 'Conscience Clause' a 'Fraud'
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi blasted a Republican proposal that would protect military chaplains from performing same-sex marriages, saying the provision in unnecessary. “Nobody is ordering them to do that,” Pelosi told reporters Thursday. “I’ve never seen any suggestion that we’re ordering chaplains to perform same-sex [marriages]. Where is that? I think that they can …
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Gordon Klingenschmitt, Former Navy Chaplain, Slams Obama's Gay Marriage Stance
Yet another right-wing pundit has come forward with puzzling declarations in an effort to denounce President Obama’s support of same-sex marriage support of same-sex marriage last week. Former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt took to “The David Pakman Show” in an interview set to air May 21, slamming Obama for being “on the wrong side of …
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Atheists protest, Air Force reacts
A former Navy chaplain who fights to defend religious freedom says it’s an outrage that Air Force officials appear ready to remove a requirement for Bibles to be placed in on-base lodging rooms. The Warner Robins Patriot, a Georgia newspaper, recently reported that officials with Air Force Services Operations have apparently agreed in principle to …
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Free Petition! Boycott Starbucks, now funding homosexual "marriage" in all 50 states.
FREE PETITION! Help defend traditional marriage by signing our FREE PETITION to Starbucks Coffee, demanding they STOP FUNDING homosexual ‘marriage’ in all 50 states, or face an international boycott by Christian coffee drinkers. Please select, sign, and WE WILL DELIVER your petitionand comment directly to Starbucks, FREE. Free Petition! Boycott Starbucks, now funding homosexual “marriage” in all …
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