President Obama has expressed his opposition to a Republican-authored amendment in the House defense authorization bill that would protect the conscience rights of chaplains who do not want to perform “marriage” ceremonies for homosexual military personnel. Written in part by U.S Representative Todd Akin (R-Mo.), Section 536 of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act stipulates …
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gordon klingenschmitt
Keeping an eye on senators re: chaplains' rights
Gordon Klingenschmitt is a former Navy chaplain who now runs The Pray In Jesus Name Project. He is pleased that the House Armed Services Committee has approved two amendments to the Defense Authorization Bill — one by Missouri Republican Todd Akin, and the other by Mississippi Republican Steven Palazzo. “[Those bills] would protect military chaplains’ rights …
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Pelosi persecutes Chaplains, then lies, calling them "a fraud…manufactured crisis."
Urgent Petition! Defend Military Chaplains. Demand Congress pass H.R. 3828 to protect chaplains religious freedom to oppose immorality, & troops’ conscience. Select here, sign petition, we will fax all 535 Congressmen (saving you time!) Pelosi persecutes Chaplains, then lies, calling them “a fraud…manufactured crisis.” I personally traveled to Washington DC this week to meet my …
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Chaplain Video goes Viral among Homosexuals. Take action, free!
HOT PETITION! Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 435 Congressmen & 100 Senators. We delivered 95,000 fax petitions. Can you help reach 100,000? Chaplain Video goes Viral in Homosexual Community. Take action, free! Wow, am I getting hate-mail from the homosexual …
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Former Navy Chaplain Blames Homosexuality On Marketing
David Pakman was kind enough to let us know about an interview that he did with former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt. The former chaplain insists that people are born straight, but that marketing somehow makes someone gay. According to Pakman, he “countered that if marketing accounts for homosexuality in humans, how does it happen in …
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Gordon Klingenschmitt, Former Navy Chaplain, Slams Obama's Gay Marriage Stance
Yet another right-wing pundit has come forward with puzzling declarations in an effort to denounce President Obama’s support of same-sex marriage support of same-sex marriage last week. Former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt took to “The David Pakman Show” in an interview set to air May 21, slamming Obama for being “on the wrong side of …
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January 19: Chaps back on the David Pakman Show
Chaplain Klingenschmitt was again featured on David Pakman’s syndicated talk-radio program to discuss his recent GOP presidential straw poll. This episode also returns to the topic of homosexual exorcisms, Chaps’ background, and certain dangers of public education.…
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Klingenschmitt taking Navy to court
Gordon James Klingenschmitt, who now heads up the “Pray In Jesus Name Project,” was called on the carpet several years ago for praying in the name of his Savior while in uniform in front of the White House (see earlier story). “I was vindicated by Congress. They reversed the bad policy for which I was punished, …
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Ex-Chaplain Sues for Reinstatement or Retirement
A former Navy chaplain kicked out of the service for wearing his uniform in a protest at the White House has sued to get his conviction overturned, get back pay, and either reinstatement or full retirement. Former Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt’s court-martial and dismissal was the culmination of a series of clashes with the Navy over …
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