Urgent Petition! Defend Military Chaplains. Demand Congress pass H.R. 3828 to protect chaplains religious freedom to oppose immorality, & troops’ conscience. Select here, sign petition, we will fax all 535 Congressmen (saving you time!) Pelosi persecutes Chaplains, then lies, calling them “a fraud…manufactured crisis.” I personally traveled to Washington DC this week to meet my …
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nancy pelosi
Pelosi Calls Chaplain 'Conscience Clause' a 'Fraud'
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi blasted a Republican proposal that would protect military chaplains from performing same-sex marriages, saying the provision in unnecessary. “Nobody is ordering them to do that,” Pelosi told reporters Thursday. “I’ve never seen any suggestion that we’re ordering chaplains to perform same-sex [marriages]. Where is that? I think that they can …
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